
2025 CAD 清邁萬人天燈節 | Chiangmai CAD Sky Lantern Festival


2025 清邁萬人天燈節開賣!!

  • 帶領你體驗清邁最壯觀、美麗的感動盛事。
  • 萬盞天燈一起升空,漫天燈火搖曳,場面震撼,照亮夜空,驚艷銀河。
  • 泰國一年一度的超夯傳統節慶,與親朋好友一同施放天燈,祈求來年平安順遂
  • 遊逛傳統蘭納市集與觀賞文化活動,享受最在地的體驗
  • 品嚐道地的泰式料理自助晚餐,結合北方特色的美味料理
  • 行程提供選擇來回交通接送,讓你的旅途更加輕鬆
  • VACIO提供獨家冷氣大巴接駁服務,再也不用擔心人擠人排長龍還上不了車!

1.Liu Ashely
2.Liu Monica

代表人聯絡電話或是ID:(LINE 或 Whatsapp 或 Wechat)

⭕️ 請在台灣購買泰國網路、電話卡或抵達泰國取得手機號碼,第一時間聯繫我們line官方帳號留言給客服或撥打電話和當地服務人員聯繫告知我們泰國手機號碼⭕️



LINE ID:@vacio

貨號: CAD240001-1 分類: , ,



● 活動特色概述

  • 帶領你體驗清邁最壯觀、美麗的感動盛事。
  • 萬盞天燈一起升空,漫天燈火搖曳,場面震撼,照亮夜空,驚艷銀河。
  • 泰國一年一度的超夯傳統節慶,與親朋好友一同施放天燈,祈求來年平安順遂
  • 遊逛傳統蘭納市集與觀賞文化活動,享受最在地的體驗
  • 品嚐道地的泰式料理自助晚餐,結合北方特色的美味料理
  • 行程提供指定地點來回接送,讓你的旅途更加輕鬆

● 當日活動流程

13:00 準時在集合點等待專車接送
16:30 – 18:30 開放進場,在門口憑天燈節官方電子票卷入場和領取活動限定紀念品
蘭納傳統小吃、點心、非酒精飲料 Buffet
19:30 遊客進入儀式區
19:40 擊鼓、燭光表演、高僧祈福宗教儀式
20:15 誦經與冥想後, 放天燈
20:45 活動圓滿結束

✴️ 當日交通擁堵,建議在 17.30 左右抵達會場

● 票券包含

  • 清邁萬人天燈門票
  • 自助泰式美食buffet + 無酒精飲料
  • 天燈2個/人
  • 活動紀念品
  • 標準席|VIP席|豪華席 | 尊爵席座位區不同,所包含自助Buffet與活動紀念品也都有等級不同區別

 費用不包含: 任何私人費用

🚗 清邁天燈節VACIO獨家接駁服務直達活動現場!!!



● 座位圖

● 圖庫

唯美的場地佈置 讓每個到來的遊客還未入場就被滿滿的浪漫氛圍薰染 



一系列蘭納傳統文化表演 都是由國寶級演出者和藝人接力演出。同時,您也能借此機會向老師傅體驗傳統技藝,習作泰式點心或燭燈


 งานหัตถกรรมล้านนา หัตถกรรมล้านนา นิทรรศการหัตถกรรมล้านนา 

放飛天燈的那一霎那,天空彷彿都被點亮了。想拍下最感動的瞬間 就在此刻!Festival Ceremony Area  



  • 活動地點:The CAD Cultural Center Lanna Ethnicity
  • 地址:Ban Sa Ha Khon On Klang, อ.แม่ออน Chiang Mai 50130, Thailand
  • 活動現場GOOGLE MAP ➡︎天燈節會場Google定位


  • 自行前往者可入場時間:15:00 – 18:00,會場周邊有停車場
  • VACIO獨家大巴接駁交通集合點為尚泰清邁機場購物中心 CentralPlaza Chiang Mai Airport,請於12:30至集合點報到報到、領取手環,13:30準時出發,含交通接送套票者可憑證上車,活動結束後送回尚泰清邁機場購物中心

    ➡︎ 尚泰清邁機場購物中心

  • STANDARD,VIP,PREMIUM席位+集合點接駁購買者,接駁交通集合點於清邁西北大學,請於13:30 – 17:00之間至集合點等候接駁車,含交通接送套票者可憑證上車,活動結束後送回清邁夜市或瑪雅中心
    ➡︎ 清邁西北大學谷歌定位
    ➡︎ 清邁夜市谷歌定位
    ➡︎ 瑪雅中心谷歌定位
  • ELITE席位票卷僅有自行前往或飯店接送配套,無集合點接送。
  • STANDARD,VIP,PREMIUM,ELITE席位 並加購飯店接送購買者,請於14:00 – 14:40之間在您指定的飯店大廳等候(免費接送區域僅限古城區和寧曼區),此交通為共享交通請務必準時!!確切飯店名稱必須在天燈活動前至少30個工作日提供,且無法隨意更改 感謝您的配合!


  • 警察、消防車和救援隊將在現場隨時待命。
  • 參與者應嚴格遵循主持人的指示進行各項儀式或活動,以確保平安和安全。
  • 禁止吸煙和使用鞭炮、天燈、武器、賭博器具、非法物品,包括酒精飲料。
  • 參與者請穿著蘭納泰國服裝或得體合宜的服裝。
  • 請以尊重和和平的態度參與宗教活動,以維護儀式的神聖。


  1. 接駁車服務
    – 接駁交通會依照主辦單位及現場工作人員安排依序接送客人,請依照現場工作人員的指引排隊候車。若因未遵守指示或錯過接駁交通,VACIO代理商和主辦單位將不負責因此造成的延誤或不便。
    – 若因交通狀況、天氣等不可控因素導致接駁延誤,VACIO代理商和主辦單位將盡力協調,但不對延誤負責。
  2. 集合點及登記
    – 請依照預訂確認電子票卷中的集合點資訊及時間準時抵達。若未能準時抵達,可能影響參加活動的權益,恕VACIO代理商和主辦單位不負擔因此引起的損失。
    – 現場工作人員將在登記處協助客人兌換票券及紀念品,請務必在登記處完成兌換,若未及時領取,恕無法補發。
  3. 餐飲安排
    – 現場餐飲由主辦單位提供,種類和數量可能因當日供應情況有所調整,故採取先到先得的方式,敬請見諒並提早安排享用。
    – 如有特殊飲食需求,建議客人自備食品。
  4. 活動內容及紀念品
    – 活動內容及贈品由主辦單位統一安排,客人 需在登記處領取紀念品。若有遺漏或錯誤,請務必於現場及時向工作人員反映,VACIO代理商不負擔因此引起的問題。
  5. 不可抗力因素
    – 若因天氣、自然災害、政府政策或其他不可控原因導致活動延誤、變更或取消,VACIO代理商將盡力協助客人了解最新安排,但不承擔任何直接或間接損失。
  6. 其他責任
    – 客人需對自身安全及財物負責,請妥善保管個人物品,並遵守現場安全規範。


  • 票卷只限使用一次
  • 0-7歲以下兒童免費,但必須與父母同坐,且不提供額外的燈籠或紀念品。
  • 本活動為實名登記票券,一但報名,不可取消。
  • Standard Ticket|VIP Ticket | Premium Ticket|Elite Ticket 差別在於位置不同、提供餐點不同、用餐區不同、紀念品不同
  • 訂購確認後,票券將會以電子票形式Mail提供,請以我們給您郵箱發的天燈節官方票劵入場,任何訂購憑證皆不能使用
  • 可代訂清邁飯店或是選擇自己喜歡的飯店,VACIO於清邁有超過百間的合作飯店,請於訂購後,在備註欄或EMAIL方式告知Vacio工作人員諮詢其他飯店優惠報價,請至少提前一週告知。
🔴 現場報到請憑以下樣式官方所提供之電子票,

Chiangmai CAD Khomloy Sky Lantern Festival 5,6 November 2025 – FaceTicket ♡




at The CAD Cultural Center Lanna Ethnicity, on Klang Subdistrict, Mae On District, Chiang Mai Thailand

5 – 6th November 2025

Join us in welcoming the Yi Peng Lantern Festival Chiang Mai 2025, a remarkable event where you can release lanterns into the sky, immerse yourself in the enchanting Northern Thai traditions, and indulge in a plethora of genuine spirit of Lanna Thai culture 

You can take home a festival souvenir as a memento of this extraordinary event. Not to forget about indulging your taste buds with an unlimited array of authentic Lanna local food and beverages. At the same time, you could enjoy yourself in the vibrant colours, lively music, and captivating performances that showcase the essence of Lanna Thai traditions.

At the beginning of the event, take a moment to reflect and find inner peace as you engage in prayers and meditation. Then, joining others in expressing reverence to Phra Ket Kao Jura Mani and symbolically release your troubles and ill-fortune with the floating lanterns. Allow the serene ambiance of this spiritual ritual to uplift your spirits and bring a sense of tranquillity to your journey.

Let’s create memories that will last a lifetime as you embrace the beauty and charm of Chiang Mai. This festival promises to offer you a multitude of unforgettable experiences.


13:00   Arrange your own transportation and assemble at meeting point, and transfer to the venue
16.30-18.30   Arrival at the venue, show your Official E-ticket on your mobile to register ticket at main entrance. Received a hanging badge and souvenir, start enjoy cultural activities
Enjoy Thai Lanna Buffet Dinner, snacks, desserts, non alcohol beverages
19.30   Enter to the ritual area in front of the Great Pagoda
19.40   Drum, candle show, religious ceremony, monks chanting
20.15   Lunching Lanterns
20.45   End of ceremony, depart from event area to meeting point in the city.
Arrival time is depends on traffic condition.

Fee including:

  • Ceremony Entrance fee
  • Thai Lanna Buffet dinner + Non alcohol beverage
  • Festival sourvenir
  • 2 Lanterns each person (we put on your seat) and 1 krathong each for floating at Loy Krathong Floating zone
  • Watch the shows and participant in various activities in the ceremony area

Exclude : Any personal expenses


Lanna Thai traditions and culture 

Enjoy yourself in the vibrant colours, lively music, and captivating performances that showcase the essence of Lanna Thai traditions.

Authentic Lanna traditional local food

Savor the rich flavors and unique culinary delights that Chiang Mai has to offer. From delectable street food to exquisite traditional dishes, the festival is a haven for food enthusiasts.


Experience traditional folk art and ancient sword dance performed by renowned folk artists. You can watch and play with the folk performances of the northern tribes such as ancient Swing of the Hmong tribe.

Senior Lanna Artist and cultural activities

Witness the exceptional skills of senior Lanna rattan fork artists, along with the enchanting melodies of the Lanna language. Also, immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of the Lanna market and cultural activities during this event. Engage in self-taught cooking sessions and create traditional oil dishes, embracing the rich culinary heritage of the region.


Transportation and Venue

We highly recommend you should be at the venue at 17.30


Click HERE for the location


Pickup at PAYAP University

Drop off at Chiang Mai Night Market or MAYA shopping mall

✴️ Our shuttle leave from 13.00-17.00

Security & Other

  • Ambulance services are standby for tourists in case of emergency.
  • Fire trucks and rescue teams are standby to ensure the safety of tourists in case of emergency.
  • Police officers are standby to ensure the safety of tourists.
  • Because rituals such as prayers, meditation, and lantern launching are important parts of the Buddhist ceremony, participants should strictly follow the MC’s instructions for peace of mind and security.
  • Firecrackers, sky lanterns, weapons, gambling equipment, illegal objects, including alcoholic beverages, are prohibited.
  • Participants are kindly requested to dress in Lanna Thai attire or proper and appropriate attire.
  • Participate in religious activities with respect and peace for the sanctity of the ceremony.
  • No alcohol or smoking is allowed.


VACIO, as the CAD Sky Lantern Festival agent, aims to ensure a smooth experience and clear understanding of the terms and conditions. Please carefully review the following disclaimer:

Shuttle Service

  • Shuttle transportation will be arranged in sequence according to the instructions of the event organizer and on-site staff. Guests are required to queue and board following the guidance provided. VACIO and the event organizer shall not be responsible for any delays or inconveniences caused by failure to follow instructions or missing the shuttle.
  • In the event of delays due to uncontrollable factors such as traffic conditions or weather, VACIO and the event organizer will make every effort to coordinate; however, we are not liable for such delays.
Meeting Point and Registration
  • Please arrive promptly at the meeting point and time specified in the booking confirmation or e-ticket. Failure to arrive on time may affect your participation rights, and VACIO and the event organizer shall not be liable for any resulting losses.
  • On-site staff will assist guests in exchanging tickets and collecting souvenirs. Be sure to complete the exchange at the designated area; missed collection cannot be compensated.
CATERING Arrangements
  • Catering services are provided by the event organizer. The selection and quantity of food may vary depending on the day’s supply. Catering is on a first-come, first-served basis. Guests are encouraged to plan ahead.
  • Guests with specific dietary requirements are advised to bring your own food.
Activity Content and Souvenirs
  • Event content and souvenirs are arranged by the organizer. Guests must collect their souvenirs at the registration area. Any omissions or errors should be reported to on-site staff immediately. VACIO is not liable for related issues.
Force Majeure
  • In the event of delays, changes, or cancellations caused by weather, natural disasters, government policies, or other uncontrollable factors, VACIO will assist guests in understanding the latest arrangements but will not be responsible for any direct or indirect losses.
Other Responsibilities
  • Guests are responsible for their own safety and belongings. Please safeguard personal items and comply with on-site safety regulations.
  • VACIO and the event organizer are not responsible for personal actions or incidents occurring outside the scope of the event.
VACIO serves only as a ticketing agent for the Lantern Festival and is not responsible for the event’s organization or execution. All event policies, including the no-refund policy, are set by the event organizer. VACIO is not liable for any losses or disputes related to the event. Ticket holders are responsible for assessing the risks before purchasing.

Completing the purchase means you agree to these terms. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Ticket and hotel booking

  • All ticket can be used once only.
  • Children 0-7 years old are FOC, but they must be accompanied by their parents, and no additional lanterns or souvenirs will be provided.
  • This event requires real-name registration for ticketing, and once registered, the ticket cannot be transferred or cancelled.
  • The Standard seat ticket | VIP seat ticket | Premium seat ticket | Elite ticket options differ in terms of seating location, meal provisions, dining areas, and souvenirs.
  • Upon confirmation of your booking, the tickets will be provided to you via email in electronic ticket format.
  • Please present the Official Yi Peng Lantern Festival 2025 ticket that we sent to your email for admission.

🔴 Any other proof of purchase will not be valid for entry.

Chiangmai CAD Khomloy Sky Lantern Festival 5,6 November 2025 – FaceTicket ♡

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